Create revenue for your Golf Course with our Tee Sign Advertising Program
Cast Bronze
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Cast Aluminum
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HDPE/Routed Plastic
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Tee Sign Advertising Program
Tee Sign Advertising Programs are a great way to purchase new signs and add revenue for the golf course. Our programs work for all types of courses, including private. Advertising programs can be kept simple with just donor names or businesses which work well for a private club. Semi private and public courses are generally more liberal with what a business can put on their advertising sign.
The most common sign program we create uses either HDPE or Granite material. Both materials are economical and easily accommodate hole graphics and sponsor logos. Vinyl graphics are usually created for the adverting message on granite signs. A combination of vinyl and routed and poured graphics are used on the HDPE signs.
Cast Bronze and Aluminum are also options and usually do not incorporate a hole graphic on the tee sign. The signs are usually smaller than granite or HDPE to keep the cost down.
National Golf Graphics works with the course to make sure the advertiser approval process runs as smooth as possible. We produce literature for the course that can be presented to potential advertisers explaining the program and what is needed by us to create the proofs. We also include a detailed sign rendering. Sample signs can also be sent to help facilitate advertising sales.
Our preference is for the advertiser to send their artwork directly to National Golf Graphics. We can email the proof directly to the advertiser and answer any questions they may have without the course having to get involved. This saves time and reduces the amount of work for the golf course.
Your tee signs will become revenue makers for years to come.