How to Build a StoryBrand for Your Business or Nonprofit

October 6, 2023

Here is where the rubber meets the road. Building a StoryBrand is all about creating a clear message that resonates with your target audience. In the words of Donald Miller, “when you confuse, you lose.”

Step #1: Create a BrandScript

The first step to building a StoryBrand is to create a BrandScript. This is an elevator pitch. This messaging is the foundation of all your marketing materials. You jot yours down or use this free tool that walks you through the process of writing a BrandScript.

Step #2: Write your organization’s story (aka Brand Narrative)

This step is optional, but extremely helpful. Take time to review your BrandScript and create a story that introduces the character (your customer). Then highlight their problems and connect them with a guide (your business). Then bring them to success through a plan that calls them to action.

Step #3: Use your BrandScript as the foundation for all your marketing efforts

Review your existing marketing materials:

  • Are you talking about you or them?
  • Are you clearly articulating a problem you solve?
  • Are you calling your readers to action?
  • Is future success evident?

If your audit leaves you feeling a bit down, don’t fret. This represents an opportunity to improve your marketing. Here is another tool that can help you assess your marketing materials. Take the 10 Minute Free Marketing Assessment

Watch Out for the Curse of Knowledge

The problem is tackling the task of creating a clear message is hard when you are also the expert. When you know everything about your business, it often comes with something Lee Lefever refers to as the curse of knowledge.

It’s the equivalent of trying to read the label from inside the bottle

The antidote? Step (temporarily) back into the hero seat and let someone else serve as the guide to clear up your brand’s message.

This could be a colleague, trusted friend or you could even hire a StoryBrand Certified Guide like me to help. Think about which path is the right fit for you.

You can explore how we walk our clients through this process during your free consultation.

The result? A crystal clear brand message that resonates with your ideal customer. The customer you wish you could clone a hundred times over. This customer leads to more revenue and growth for your company.

A Few Resources to Help You Build Your StoryBrand