
Resources to improve your marketing and grow your business


April 19, 2024

Is Email Marketing dead?

Email Marketing is Not Dead What’s actually dead and has been for a long time, is bad email marketing. However, everyone knows that creating and sending good emails is harder said than done. Email marketing is a platform you have complete control over. You own your email list so use that to your advantage. Here are my solutions.

April 19, 2024

How can I make my brand more appealing to my target audience?

Be Clear and Concise Why? Because today in our digital world people are bombarded content overload. Concise messaging is what grabs attention and clarity leaves a lasting impression. Consider this: our attention spans are so short that research suggests that the average person’s focus lasts mere seconds. That’s why it’s crucial to make every word count. Brevity extends beyond being concise; it embodies strategy.

April 16, 2024

About StoryBrand

A framework that amplifies and clarifies your marketing message. Many quality marketers will tell you that your brand needs to tell a story. But very few tell you HOW. Enter: the StoryBrand framework The StoryBrand framework is a seven-part messaging system that invites your audience into a story about your brand.

April 3, 2024

Email List Building & Campaign Tips

Steps to Build Your Email Subscriber List Client: Apple Orchard Create Lead Generating PDF to Build Your Email Subscriber List: Ex: 3 Simple Ways to Store Apples so Stay Fresh Longer Email Campaign Steps  -Create a landing page on the website or use your email service provider form/popup options so people can sign up for your PDF -After potential clients enter their email address, they receive a thank you for requesting this free resource message.…

October 6, 2023

How To Build Your Brand Story

Steps to Build Your Email Subscriber List Client: Apple Orchard Create Lead Generating PDF to Build Your Email Subscriber List: Ex: 3 Simple Ways to Store Apples so Stay Fresh Longer Email Campaign Steps  -Create a landing page on the website or use your email service provider form/popup options so people can sign up for your PDF -After potential clients enter their email address, they receive a thank you for requesting this free resource message.…

October 6, 2023

How to Build a StoryBrand for Your Business or Nonprofit

Here is where the rubber meets the road. Building a StoryBrand is all about creating a clear message that resonates with your target audience. In the words of Donald Miller, “when you confuse, you lose.” Step #1: Create a BrandScript The first step to building a StoryBrand is to create a BrandScript. This is an elevator pitch. This messaging is the foundation of all your marketing materials.