Is Email Marketing dead?

April 19, 2024

Email Marketing is Not Dead

What’s actually dead and has been for a long time, is bad email marketing.

However, everyone knows that creating and sending good emails is harder said than done.

Email marketing is a platform you have complete control over. You own your email list so use that to your advantage.

Here are my solutions.
💡Asking for a commitment or response from your reader is a great way to keep them interested and involved.

💡Make sure you’re reminding your recipients of the problems you solve for them. You can even address objections you know that they are facing when deciding to buy something.

💡Offering a paradigm shift causes the reader to re-evaluate how they’ve viewed your product in the past.

💡And once the reader takes buys, remove them from any remaining emails asking them to buy again. Instead send regular emails that offer valuable content.

Email marketing can be an extremely effective way to engage your target audience and generate leads. It isn’t dead, it just requires good marketing to make it come alive.